Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Looking Deeper (#5)

Ok. We are beginning to see an attack as it's happening, we are getting better at naming and rebuking the specific medium of attack (anger, depression, lust, etc...).

Now it's time to explore the possibility that the situation has a deeper root than simply a coincidental attack. (One of these deeper possibilities involves being attacked because you are praying for someone else, this will be discussed later).

The root, the deeper problem is called an agreement.
Many Bible readers will find the word "stronghold" to be more familiar, but i have chosen "agreement" to portray a more specific meaning.
Agreements are literally statements, confessions, or...agreements that we have made in the past (recent, or distant) that have a strong effect on our present situation.
And, they can have a devastating long term effect if they are left in action.

Here are some examples:
"God can never love me."
"I can do this if I just push through."
"I will always eat too much."
"I will never get better."
"Well, I guess I won't be getting any sleep."
"I need to do this on my own."

Do you hear your own voice in any of this?
Just think for a second.
What are the agreements that you have made that may be guiding your life even in this very moment...

And can you see effects of these agreements?

Someone might have abandoned you when you were young, or even yesterday. Maybe there was a time when life felt completely hopeless and you felt abandoned by God.
In those moments, you might have made an agreement.
Maybe the agreement you made is that you weren't good enough for that person to stick around.
Maybe the agreement is that God abandoned you.

Do you see how much hurt, how much damage this can cause?

The result of those agreements might be that you can't trust the people closest to you. It's not that you don't want to; you just can't.

Or even worse, you can't hear God's voice because of the rift that has been created by that agreement.

These are powerful, and not to be taken lightly.

Please Listen!!

You, yes You are going through something like this right now.
You feel as if there is an unstoppable force working against you.
A wall of emotion and years of habit.

Not only that, but there are people who want to help you, and you even want help. But you're so scared to stop -- to step on the brakes and take a look under the hood.
You have tried this before and been hit with a wall of fear, anger, and tears.
It almost seems better just to be unaware of the damage, doesn't it?
As long as we don't have to go through the emotions of dealing with it, maybe we are better off.

No. Please see my heart in this. Please stop and look under the hood.
This is God's will. He wants to bring healing.

He wants to heal you!

Father, reveal and destroy any agreements I have made in the past concerning this situation. Jesus, I am scared to deal with this. Open me up to your healing. I welcome you into this situation. I surrender myself to you. I surrender my hurt to you.

Stop now. Search, listen, pray...

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