Thursday, March 22, 2012

2 Huge Battles (S)

"Just Do It"
Sound familiar?

How about these:
"Have it your way"
"Obey your thirst"
"Impossible is Nothing"
"I am what I am"

The list goes on...
These are just the few that come from big name companies, but there is one that may define the American Christian situation with more potency than the rest:

"You can do it. We can help."

We are convinced that we are the masters of this world. 
The masters of our environment,
of our schedules,
our futures,
and ourselves.

What if that's not the case?
What if we are living a lie?
What if that lie is destroying us..
as individuals,
as families,
as companies,
as a country,
and as the human race.

There are 2 huge battles going on in this world. Battles that affect every single person, whether you know it or not...

The battles are for Joy and Surrender.

These names may seem vague, so I'll explain:

The battle of joy, is really more like a campaign of the enemy against our joy.
When was the last time you experienced joy?
Not so common, is it?

The Battle of surrender is a little different.
In this situation, we are already convinced that we should surrender to no one.
Surrender means weakness, right?
Case and point.
The battle of surrender is real, and it's either fight or die.

See the point is, we are not in control.
No matter how much we try to be, we will be disappointed time and time again.
Doesn't this sound familiar?
Haven't you been trying to muscle through on your own strength?
To control your schedule?
To control the reactions of the people around you?
I sure have, and I still do.
And I fall flat on my face every time.

Here's what it comes down to:

 "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
(Matthew 19:26)

We can try to be the masters of our environment
our schedules
our families and friends
and ourselves,
but is that the best choice?

Jesus, I am yours. I am nothing without you. I am a mess when I try to be the master of myself. I surrender to you Jesus. Take my life in your hands. Mold me and change me. Use me and teach me. I surrender my schedule to you. I surrender my family to you. I surrender my day to you. I can't do this alone. I can't do this with just a little help. I surrender totally to you, because with man this day is impossible, but with you all things are possible! I love you Jesus; you are beautiful.

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