Sunday, April 15, 2012

May I Remind You...

We are in a war.
Did you forget?
Did it slip your mind?
Or has the wartime mentality been convinced out of you?

I could post about what we are fighting for, or who we are fighting against, or some of the strategies of war that we should be using, but the truth is, I have already posted about all of those things in some form or another.

This is a wake up call.
A siren.

We are at war, and you can be sure that the forces opposing you know it.
So while you may not know you're living on a battlefield, the enemy knows it full well and they are constantly preparing their forces to take you down.

Actually, the truth is:
If you don't have a wartime mindset, the enemy has already taken you down.
Makes sense right?
How can you stand against him if you don't think there's any fighting going on?
Get back in the fight.
Stand in the power of Jesus Christ the Wounded Warrior, and the Commander in Chief.

Fight for you life, and the lives of those you love.
Your family needs you to fight.
Your friends need you to fight.
The body of Christ needs you to fight.

If you can't see this in the Bible, you may not be reading the Bible...
Look again...

The Lord is a man of war;
the Lord is his name.
(Ex 15)

Almost every single book of the Bible is filled with warnings, stories, and descriptions of...

a world at war.

We live on Battlefield Earth.

Either your in, or you've been taken down.

Your choice

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, this was challenging.
