Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cry of Truth

For all of those in need of prayer:

I need to tell you this! 
You need to be praying! 
That's how these situations are conquered. 
Through prayer! Your prayers and the prayers of others!
So stay in a spirit of prayer.
Do not let go of God; do not stop praying.

The accusations of the enemy are not valid in God's ears because you are covered with the blood of Christ. 

There is no condemnation through Christ. 

We are not conformed to this world,
 but we are transformed by the renewal of our mind 
taking every thought captive in obedience to Christ. 

You have been given authority over All the power of the enemy. 

We have crucified our flesh with Christ 
and God has given us a new life. 

No accusation against you can stand 
and I pray that no foothold will be gained by the enemy because of his work against you right now.
In Jesus name I tear down any stronghold of the enemy! 

God is before you and behind you 
and He has chosen YOU to fight, 
you mighty man or woman of valor. 

Stand firm in the power of Jesus Christ. 

God is with you. 
You fight in the power of Jesus name; 
therefore, nothing can stand against you! 

We fight in the Power of God! 
with the Armor of God! 
In the Spirit of God! 

God has put us on the high ground. 

He has placed us high upon a rock 
to see all the movements of the enemy. 

In fact, 
not only are the enemy's movement's 
and plans revealed to us through God's word, 
but we know the outcome! 


I pray the cleansing blood of Jesus 
over your mind and your thoughts 
and more than anything
 I pray that YOU WOULD PRAY! 
I love you and I want you to pray 
whether or not you should be doing something else right now.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

What You Are Meant For

What if you could have Jesus the way Peter and John had him? The way Mary andy Lazarus did?

You get to.

You are meant to have this Jesus, 
more than you have each new day,
more than you have your next breath.
For heaven's sake--
he is your next day, your next breath.
You are meant to share life with him--
not just glimpse now and then at church,
not just a rare sighting. 
And you are meant to life his life. 
The purpose of his life, death, and resurrection 
was to ransom you from your sin,
deliver you from the clutches of evil, 
restore you to God--
so that his personality and his life could heal 
and fill your personality, your humility, and your life.
This is the reason he came.

Beautiful Outlaw, 161, 162

Sunday, April 15, 2012

May I Remind You...

We are in a war.
Did you forget?
Did it slip your mind?
Or has the wartime mentality been convinced out of you?

I could post about what we are fighting for, or who we are fighting against, or some of the strategies of war that we should be using, but the truth is, I have already posted about all of those things in some form or another.

This is a wake up call.
A siren.

We are at war, and you can be sure that the forces opposing you know it.
So while you may not know you're living on a battlefield, the enemy knows it full well and they are constantly preparing their forces to take you down.

Actually, the truth is:
If you don't have a wartime mindset, the enemy has already taken you down.
Makes sense right?
How can you stand against him if you don't think there's any fighting going on?
Get back in the fight.
Stand in the power of Jesus Christ the Wounded Warrior, and the Commander in Chief.

Fight for you life, and the lives of those you love.
Your family needs you to fight.
Your friends need you to fight.
The body of Christ needs you to fight.

If you can't see this in the Bible, you may not be reading the Bible...
Look again...

The Lord is a man of war;
the Lord is his name.
(Ex 15)

Almost every single book of the Bible is filled with warnings, stories, and descriptions of...

a world at war.

We live on Battlefield Earth.

Either your in, or you've been taken down.

Your choice

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2 Huge Battles (J)


Is that what just popped into your head?
Or something like it?

It might have been something like: 
"What does joy have to do with God? My joy comes from _________."
(Insert dancing, music, video games, a relationship, friends, adrenaline, beauty, etc...)

Maybe more likely, others may have thought:
"Joy? No, you must have me confused with someone who makes their living backpacking through Europe; someone with free time, or with an exciting life.  I'm just looking for ways to find relief from the monotony and the stress that is my life."

Sound familiar?

Consider this:
You are sitting. Yes, just sitting. In an airport... You are waiting for your second of three flights for the day. You are super excited, and you still have much of the joy and excitement that you woke up with this morning. BUT, your second flight has been delayed... and delayed... and delayed...
You now realize how close you will be cutting it trying to make your third and final flight.
Where's your joy right now?

So you finally get on the plane. Wow.
And then...
You miss the third flight...
Where's your joy now?

There are 2 huge battles going on in this world. Battles that effect every single person, whether you know it or not...

The battles are for Joy and Surrender.

These names may seem vague, so I'll explain:

The battle of Joy, is really more like a campaign of the enemy against our joy.
When was the last time you experienced joy?
Not so common, is it?

"So there was much joy in that city." Acts 8:8 
Shout for joy to God, all the earth;" Psalm 66:1
"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." John 15:11
"And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit." Acts 13:52
"Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that you have broken rejoice." Psalm 51:8
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice." Philippians 4:4
"But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed." 1 Peter 4:13
"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

We were meant to have Joy.

...We were meant to have Joy...